Extensions for Individual & Family Health Plans Premium Due Dates
Sentara Health Plans: The due date for new members’ initial premium payment has been extended to Friday, January 12, 2024.
Cigna: The due date for new members' initial premium payment has been extended to Wednesday, January 31, 2024.
Sentara Health Plans Launches Micro Small Business Unit
Sentara Health Plans is excited to announce that a new Micro Small Business Unit (MSBU) is now available to assist you and your small groups with 1-4 enrolled employees. The MSBU offers plans from the existing Small Group portfolio combined with a high-touch service model for even the smallest groups.
The MSBU contact center will deliver fast turnaround times for installing new business and renewing existing groups with 1-4 enrolled employees. The MSBU will also conduct proactive outreach to groups to assist with education on important employer and member resources and value-added services.
For more information click here!
Sentara Medicare Member ID Cards
All Sentara Medicare renewing member ID cards for 2024 will have an effective date of 5/1/2023. This effective date is from a change in their system for enrollment processes. These cards are valid for 2024.
Members do not need to order new cards. This effective date does not impact the members’ access to care or claims submitted before the end of the year. Members can continue to use their current card.
If Sentara Medicare members have any questions, they can call:
Sentara Medicare Member Services
October 1–March 31 | 7 days a week | 8 AM–8 PM
April 1–September 30 | Monday–Friday | 8 AM–8 PM