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December 2023 Newsletter

Thursday, December 07, 2023

Employee Wellness 

Provide your employees with the latest wellness newsletter with the December edition of Live Well, Work Well. Also available in Spanish.

Educate employees about their benefits with the December Benefits & Me Newsletter.

Catch Up With Our Employer Webinars

Gag Clause Compliance Attestation Due by December 31, 2023

Group health plans and health insurance issuers must annually attest they comply with the federal prohibition on gag clauses. The first gag clause attestation is due by December 31, 2023, covering the period beginning December 27, 2020, through the date of attestation. Click here for webinar.

2023 Applicable Large Employer Reporting

An ALE is an entity, or a member of a controlled group of entities, that employed on average 50 or more full-time employees or equivalents during the prior calendar year. Reporting is necessary for the IRS to administer the Employer Shared Responsibility Payments and allows an ALE to indicate whether it did or did not offer Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC), if the coverage was of minimum value, and whether or not it was intended to be affordable to the employee. Click here for webinar.

Self-Funded Employer Reporting for 2023 

An employer with a self-funded or level-funded plan is deemed the issuer of the employee’s health insurance policy by the IRS and required to report the Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) they offered their employees throughout the year. Even though the Individual Mandate Penalty has been reduced to zero,  the IRS still requires 1094/1095-B reporting. Click here for webinar.

Medicare News

Can My Spouse and I Share Medicare Coverage?

Hospitals and Doctors Are Fed up With Medicare Advantage

Medicare Drug Cost Changes for 2024

Recent Episodes of HR on Mic

Insurance Carriers' Actively at Work Requirements - When Helping Can Hurt

FMLA, the ADA, and Workers Comp: What Happens When They Overlap?

Affordable Care Act Employer Reporting: A Change Coming in 2024

HR Insights 

December HR Brief Newsletter

Pay or Play Affordability Percentage Will Decrease for 2024

ACA Reporting - Most Employers Must File Electronically for 2024