Anthem Make-up CE Days
Anthem will conduct make-up virtual continuing education courses on July 19 and July 21, totaling eight hours of approved courses for Virginia brokers. These courses are make-up courses for the classes in January. If you attended the January courses, you will NOT get additional credit.
Courses will include:
Tuesday, July 19 (Life and Health credits)
- Getting Well: Increasing employee engagement in health insurance wellness programs, Course #223603
- Managed Care Pharmacy - Course #223637
- Turning 65 – Medicare Advantage versus Medicare Supp - Course #223604
- Supplemental Plans - Course #221780
Thursday, July 21 (Ethics, Laws, and Regulations credits)
- Laws & Regs – 2022 (Procurement) - Course #223544
- Ethics and Agent Relations - Course #223543
Upcoming Optima CE Webinar
Topic: HRA: New Regulations, New Opportunities
Date: Thursday, June 2, 2022
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Credit: One hour
This class is a repeat of the class presented on April 8, 2021. If you already have credit for "HRA: New Regulations, New Opportunities" you will not be able to receive credit again if you are still within the same biennium.
Anthem Medicare Supplement Proof of Loss of Group Coverage Now Required
Beginning May 14, 2022, proof of loss of group coverage must be provided for individuals moving from Employer Group medical coverage to an Anthem Medicare Supplement (Med Supp) plan.
Please click here for detailed information about the requirement for a loss of group coverage letter, also known as a "Certificate of Coverage" or "Notice of Termination" letter for individuals moving from employer group coverage to a Medicare Supplement (Med Supp) plan, to verify proof of eligibility.
The information herein should not be construed as legal or tax advice in any way. This content is provided for informational purposes only. You should seek the advice of your attorney or tax consultant for additional or specific information.