Employee Wellness 
Provide your employees with the latest wellness newsletter with the April edition of Live Well, Work Well. Also available in Spanish.
Educate employees about their benefits with the April Benefits & Me Newsletter.
Upcoming Employer Webinar: The End of COVID-19 and More for Employers in 2023
Thursday, April 20 | 1:30 - 2:30
After three years of COVID-19, the end of the Public Health Emergency (PHE) is in view. How will the expiration of the PHE affect your business? What should you know about upcoming changes to benefits and reporting requirements? Or, are you confused about the 2023 changes to benefits compliance? Are you familiar with E-Filing 1094/1095 B and C? What does the HR crystal ball say?
Join Corbin Granger and Barbara Jennings as they present a webinar tailored to helping you navigate the post-PHE world and stay abreast of other benefits requirements.
Medicare News
Medicare & Social Security Could Fall Short Over Next Decade
Regulators Crack Down on Medicare Advantage Charges
How the End of the COVID-19 Emergency Periods Will Impact Health Plans
The Biden Administration has announced its plan to end the COVID-19 national emergency and public health emergency (PHE) on May 11, 2023. Employer-sponsored health plans have been required to comply with certain coverage requirements during the COVID-19 emergency periods, including:
- Health plans must cover COVID-19 diagnostic tests and related services without imposing any cost-sharing (such as deductibles, copayments, or coinsurance)
- Non-grandfathered health plans must cover certain preventive services, including recommended COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, without cost sharing. During the PHE, this coverage mandate applies to COVID-19 immunizations provided by all providers, regardless of whether in-network or out-of-network.
When the PHE ends, health plans will no longer be required to cover COVID-19 diagnostic tests
and related services without cost sharing. Health plans will still be required to cover recommended preventive services, including COVID-19 immunizations, but this coverage requirement will be limited to in-network providers. Also, health plans can return to their nonextended deadlines for purposes of HIPAA special enrollment, COBRA continuation coverage, and claims and appeals procedures.
HR Insights
Health Plans Must Submit Gag Clause Attestations by December 31, 2023
ACA Pay or Play Penalties Increasing for 2024
The information herein should not be construed as legal or tax advice in any way. This content is provided for informational purposes only. You should seek the advice of your attorney or tax consultant for additional or specific information.